React, WebSocket
Use Case:
State Store

Serverless WebSocket Chat on CF Workers

This example demonstrates how to create a serverless real-time chat application using Cloudflare Workers WebSocket API for real-time communication and Upstash Redis for message persistence. The frontend is built with React and deployed on Cloudflare Pages.

You can see the demo here

Project Details

The goal of this project is to create a serverless chat application without maintaining any traditional WebSocket servers. To achieve this, we use Cloudflare Workers with its WebSocket API for handling real-time connections, and Upstash Redis sorted sets for message persistence. The frontend is a React application that connects to the Worker via WebSocket.

Real-time Communication with WebSocket

The application uses Cloudflare Workers' WebSocket API to handle real-time bidirectional communication. Each client maintains a WebSocket connection to the Worker, which handles message broadcasting and persistence. The system includes:

  • Real-time message delivery
  • Automatic reconnection handling
  • Connection status indicators
  • Message history on connection

Message Storage with Redis

We use Upstash Redis sorted sets to store chat messages with timestamps as scores. This provides:

  • Efficient message storage and retrieval
  • Automatic message ordering by timestamp
  • Easy pagination for message history
  • Message persistence across connections


  • Real-time bidirectional communication
  • Message persistence with Redis sorted sets
  • Automatic reconnection handling
  • Connection status indicators
  • Message history on connection
  • Clean mobile-responsive UI
  • Modern chat bubble interface
  • Typing indicators (optional)



  1. Upstash Redis database
  2. Cloudflare account
  3. wrangler CLI installed (npm i -g wrangler)

Environment Variables

Edit the environment variables in the wrangler.toml file of your worker directory:

name = "chat-app"
main = "src/index.ts"
compatibility_date = "2024-01-01"


Deploy the Worker

cd worker
pnpm install
npm run deploy

Deploy the Frontend

cd client
pnpm install
pnpm run deploy

Learn More

To learn more about the technologies used, check out: